Short Classes

Pinnacle Flow Sequence Flow - Pinnacle Sequence (9 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a Level 2 pinnacle sequence for those that wish to add a bit more challenge to their flows. This sequence incorporates crow pose, camel pose and wild thing. Feel free to combine it with any of our other sequences to build your own flow.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 3


Balancing Flow Sequence Flow - Balancing Sequence (9 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a Level 2 Balancing sequence that is designed to be incorporated into a longer flow. Add this sequence to a collection of other sequences to create your own, custom class.

Dynamic Level: 1
Difficulty Level: 2


Standing Flow Sequence Flow - Standing Sequence (16 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a level 1 Standing Flow Sequence that incorporates many of the traditional standing yoga poses including Warrior 2 and Triangle. You might incorporate this sequence into a longer flow by adding it to other types sequences.

Difficulty Level: 2
Dynamic Level: 2


Opening Flow Sequence Flow - Opening Sequence (13 minutes)Brian M. Davis

Brian leads a short opening sequence that can be used as the beginning of a longer class that you can build or if you are short on time, as a stand-alone flow.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2
Pilates Pilates - Sidebody (10 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jennifer leads a short sequence that takes place in the side-lying position and focuses on the sides of the torso and outer hips. It is a good sequence if you want a short workout for that body part or to add into a longer class.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Pilates Pilates - Upper Body (12 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jennifer leads a short class that focuses on core and upper body. Incorporate this class into a set using other classes from our Short Class Library or utilize it as a stand-alone class if you are short on time or want to focus on a particular body part.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2
Pilates Pilates - Core (11 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jenn leads a short back and abdominal sequence. This class is an easier level that can be practiced on its own or combined with other workouts to create a longer experience.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Pilates Pilates - Core (17 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jennifer leads a shorter format Pilates class that focuses on the core. This class can be practiced alone or combined with other short classes to create a custom class that meets your needs.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Pilates [Free] Pilates - Abs (19 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jen leads a simple class in which you will spend nearly the entire time laying down on your back. This is a great class if you don't have much time, if you would like to take a few minutes to target a particular body part, or if you would like to use this segment as a piece of a longer workout.

Dynamic Level: 2
Difficulty Level: 2


Pilates Pilates - Glutes & Abs (14 minutes)Jennifer Miller

Jennifer leads a simple, yet challenging short class that focuses on strengthening the abs and glutes. You are sure to enjoy her supportive and encouraging energy.

Dynamic Level: 3
Difficulty Level: 2